Pony of Shadows

Queen of Truth & King of Practice


main paths

  1. mywebsite/archetype documents under this path act as templates to write articles and columns of the website. By default, hugo only displays articles under “mywebsite/content/posts” To costum the display of columns, config like this:
  mainSections = ["posts", "blog", "news"]
  1. mywebsite/content This path is where all original articles and resources are organized.

  2. mywebsite/public Hugo builds website in this path. Push it to my github repository mywebsite.github/io.

main commands

  • hugo new archetype/new_content.md to create new article
  • hugo to build
  • hugo server to preview
  • git add -all, git commit -a -m "..."& git push to backup and publish contents
  • hugo --cleanDestinationDir to clear Cache files


  • visit this website to select a theme. I prefer themes characterized by light,minimal and responsive
  • Usually use git clone --depth 1 to make a clone of frontmost layer. But for themes, we regard these as submodules of hugo project. See the tutor to learn more.
  • After change your theme, the main config file must be modeified.