Pony of Shadows

Uncertainty is Fascinating.

rime custom

I use fcitx5 + rime + flypy.schema.yaml as my Chinese character input system.

How to install flypy.schema

yay -S rime-flypy

relevant config files

In Rime input method, configuration files are typically loaded in a certain order, where later configurations can override earlier ones. Specifically:

  1. Global Configuration (e.g., /usr/share/rime-data/default.yaml): This is the default global configuration of the Rime input method. It defines the basic behavior and default settings of the input method.

  2. Input Scheme Configuration (e.g., /usr/share/rime-data/flypy.schema.yaml): These configuration files are tailored for specific input schemes. For example, flypy.schema.yaml is a configuration file for the Xiaoehe input scheme (Flypy). These configurations usually override the corresponding settings in the global configuration.

  3. User Custom Configuration (e.g., ~/.local/share/fcitx5/rime/default.custom.yaml): Users can place their own custom configurations here. This file is typically used to override settings defined in the global configuration or input scheme configuration. The user’s custom configuration has the highest priority, and it will override corresponding settings in the other two types of configuration files.

My own custom

see this page